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Cleanse your Energy with Selenite Wand

Mar 24,2024 | New Age FSG

Using a Selenite wand to sweep your energy field is a gentle yet powerful way to cleanse and purify your aura, leaving you feeling refreshed, balanced, and revitalised.

1. Preparation: Find a quiet and comfortable space. Take deep breaths to center yourself and set your intention for the energy cleansing process.

2. Sweeping with Selenite Wand:

• Hold the Selenite wand in your dominant hand and start at the opposite side of your body.

• Slowly sweep the wand across your crown three times, visualising it clearing and covering your head with white light.

• While sweeping, mentally affirm positive intentions for cleansing and purification.

3. Repeating with Non-Dominant Hand: Repeat the sweeping process over your crown with your non-dominant hand three times.

4. Gratitude: Once satisfied with the cleansing process, take a moment to express gratitude for the purification that has occurred.

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