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What is Mudra?

Aug 22,2022 | New Age FSG

The origin of the Mudras remains a mystery today. However, according to the Indian Medical Science of Ayurveda, different areas of the hand stimulate specific areas of the brain. By applying light pressure on these areas of the hand, you will activate the corresponding region of the brain. The subtle hand and finger movements make important connections in the nervous system and increase the life force throughout the body, hence providing mental, physical, as well as spiritual benefits.

The effects of a Mudra can be intensified with breathing exercises, visualizations and affirmations. When a mudra is done with clear concentration, cerebral activity is calmed and regenerated. In addition, many Mudras synchronize the right and left hemisphere of the brain which helps to improve memory, promote alertness and clarity of mind.

Many of the Mudras are also primarily used to support the healing or relief of physical complaints. Combined with visualization and affirmations, they also influence the emotional state of mind.

Mudras can be done almost anywhere, while seated, lying down or even standing. Before we begin, ensure that your body posture is symmetrical and centered. Relax your hands when performing the Mudra and take slow deep breaths. Hold the Mudra for at least 5 to 30 minutes. Finally, end your Mudra practice with a positive affirmation.